
NY Gov's Explanation for What Really Caused COVID Deaths in Nursing Homes Is a Sick, Manipulative Joke

It’s nonsensical. It’s anti-science. It’s something that you could point to as another example of a Democrat holding a masterclass in manipulation. It’s also totally wrong. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is feeling the walls closing in around him. He’s no longer COVID Ace Andy. He’s King Death. He’s killer Cuomo. He’s the doofus who got thousands of New Yorkers killed. The New York Attorney General’s Office couldn’t save him. They’re the ones who reported that he was undercounting COVID deaths in nursing homes by 50 percent. On top of that, his top aide admitted to state lawmakers last week that they hid the data. Why? They said they feared a Department of Justice investigation.

In doing so, the irony is that they may have placed themselves in a situation where the DOJ has to investigate the intentional deep-sixing of key COVID information from the public. This is a cover-up no matter how you slice it, and King Andy’s reign of carnage should come to an end. Impeach him. Investigate him. And God-willing arrest him. The man wrote a book about how he was such a pro in handling this crisis too. 

Not that they needed help in this department, but public trust in the political and expert classes has been shattered by this COVID outbreak. Hiding the true death toll is pretty high on the list regarding how quickly the public can turn their back on you for leadership. And this man was seen as some beacon for truth and transparency on this issue. He was the anti-Trump regarding his COVID response. Well, yeah, because he was cooking the books. He was doling out science fiction—and the game is over. Things are falling apart around King Death: hiding the data, manipulating the data, and not listening to your top health officials which have prompted mass exits. It’s a circus in Albany, and with no allies left Cuomo is hoping the liberal media can be his saving grace. It’s the only explanation for this piece of master theater where he says the visitors to the nursing homes infected and killed the elderly and infirm there, not the COVID-positive patients he packed into these facilities like sardines with his order last year:

There’s nowhere to run, Andy. Your staff admitted what you did. The New York attorney general knows what you did. We know what you did. You also made a lot of celebrities look like idiots, but that’s not a hard task anyway.

You’re a liar and failure, Andy. And your ego, well, if it makes it easier for you to sleep at night by not blaming COVID-positive patients in nursing homes who spread COVID to other people because that’s what the science says, then so be it. You’re a sick puppy. You still own your incompetence, which led to this tragic butcher’s bill that caused irreparable emotional pain to thousands of families. You killed their loved ones. You once said incompetence is what caused unnecessary COVID deaths. Yes, it’s you—you insufferable ignoramus. 

Not even the liberal media can spin you out of this one. You’re too stupid to defend now.