
Graham Explains His Last-minute Decision to Change His Vote In Favor of Impeachment Witnesses

Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-SC) on Saturday surprised many when he suddenly changed how he decided to vote on whether or not to call witnesses in President Donald Trump's second impeachment trial. Originally, he voted "no" but as the roll call was taking place, he changed his vote a "yes." He joined four other Republicans – Lisa Murkowski (AK), Susan Collins (ME), Mitt Romney (UT) and Ben Sasse (NE) – who voted with the Democrats to call witnesses. 

"Mr. President," Graham said to Senate President Pro Tempore Patrick Leahy. "I'd like to change my vote to 'aye.'"

Following the vote, Graham took to Twitter to explain his reasoning. He said that if Democrats want to call witnesses, then he's "going to insist we have multiple witnesses."

Former Trump senior aide Jason Miller said the defense team has 301 witnesses so far.

According to ABC reporter Katherine Faulders, Miller has a list handy.