
Sens. Sanders and Kennedy Unite to Scold Neera Tanden for Vile Rhetoric

The Senate Budget Committee continues to evaluate President Biden’s nominee to head the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Neera Tanden. Viewed as one of Biden’s most controversial selections, Tanden’s nomination is haunted by her previous vile rhetoric toward Republican lawmakers. 

Committee Chairman Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), whom Tanden has also attacked, took note of her past rhetoric.

“Your attacks were not just made against Republicans,” Sanders told Tanden in the committee’s hearing. “There were vicious attacks against progressives, people who I have worked with — me personally.”

Tanden said that if she is confirmed to this prestigious, high-level position in the Biden administration, she will refrain from personal attacks.

Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) also took note of Tanden’s past remarks, coming to the defense of Sen. Sanders and other lawmakers: