
Psaki Confronted Over 'Transgender Rights' and Girls' Sports

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki completely dismissed a reporter’s question about how schools should be advised on settling disputes over transgender girls competing against biological girls.

“On President Biden’s transgender rights executive action, specifically when it applies to high school sports, what message would the White House have for trans girls and cis girls who may end up competing against each other, and sparking some lawsuits and some concern among parents?” asked Fox News reporter Rachel Sutherland. “So does the administration have guidance for schools and dealing with disputes arising over trans girls competing against and with cis girls?”

Psaki replied that she was familiar with the executive order but didn’t understand the question.

After the reporter repeated herself, all the press secretary came up with was that Biden believes “trans rights are human rights, and that’s why he signed that executive order.”

As Nikki Haley recently wrote, Biden, a so-called defender of women, is attacking women through this executive order. 

"Transgender kids deserve support and respect," she argued. "The fact remains, however, that biological boys and girls are built differently. The best male athletes have a natural advantage over the best female athletes. You have to ignore science not to see it. The world’s fastest female sprinter has nine Olympics medals, but nearly 300 high-school boys are still faster than her. In states where biological boys compete against girls, the girls almost always lose — not just the match, but also possible college scholarships and a lifetime of success in their favorite sport. Their chance to shine is being stolen."