
WATCH: Cheney Responds to Her Constituents Who Called for Her Resignation

Republican Conference Chairwoman Liz Cheney (WY) on Sunday addressed the Wyoming Republican Party's calls for her resignation. The state party voted on Saturday to censure Cheney for voting alongside House Democrats to impeach President Donald Trump for the Capitol riot that took place on January 6.

Cheney told Fox News' Chris Wallace she would not be resigning from her position. 

"Look, I think people all across Wyoming understand and recognize that our most important duty is to the Constitution. And as I've explained and will continue to explain to supporters all across the state, voters all across the state, the oath that I took to the Constitution compelled me to vote for impeachment, and it doesn't bend to partisanship. It doesn't bend to political pressure. It's the most important oath that we take."

According to Cheney, part of the reason her constituents voted to censure her is because they believe Antifa and BLMers are behind the riots. 

"That's just simply not the case. That's not true," she said. "We have a lot of work to do. People have been lied to. The extent to which the president, President Trump, for months leading up to January 6th spread the notion that the election had been stolen or the election was rigged and it was a lie. People need to understand that."

Cheney said it's important for Republicans to come to terms with what took place in November so the party has a chance to win during the midterm elections next year and the presidential election in 2024.

"The single greatest threat to our republic is a president who would put his own self-interest above the Constitution, above the national interest. And we've had a situation where President Trump claimed for months that the election was stolen and the apparently set about to do everything he could to steal it himself," she explained. "That ended up in an attack on the Capitol, five people killed that day. That's the kind of attack that can never happen again."

President Trump's impeachment trial is scheduled to begin in the Senate on Tuesday.