
So, That's How We're Going to Kick Off the Biden White House Press Briefings?

We get it, liberal media. Trump is no longer president. Biden is in, so we can have cupcake time when it comes to the press and the White House. It’s almost hilarious that the Biden White House’s press team thinks there will be disagreements in the briefing room over the many years, which is what Press Secretary Jen Psaki alluded to last night. It’s going to be a head-nodding exercise. No more Jim Acosta being CNN’s attack dog in the room. No more skepticism. Everything Democrats say and do is honorable and grounded in truth. Okay, maybe it won’t be like that every time, but it’s going to be more of a rubber stamp time than a period where serious questions are asked. It’s Obama’s third term. Welcome. 

At 7 PM last night, Psaki held the first presser. It was dotted with a lot of ‘let me circle back on that’ type of answers. That’s fine. It’s the first half-day of this administration. They have lots to do, but the first question to Psaki was immensely nauseating and offers a taste of what’s to come. Curtis Houck of Newsbusters clipped the exchange.

“When you are up there, do you see yourself in your primary as promoting the interests of the President, or are you there to provide us the unvarnished truth so we can share that with the American people?”

Dear lord.

Oh, and then there’s this from NBC News, whose question basically said that the so-called war on truth that was supposedly waged by the Trump White House caused the January 6 riot on Capitol Hill. 

Now, I will give some credit here. There were some folks who asked some decent questions, though that was like two people. One asked about the Iran nuclear deal—but the overall feeling is going to resembling the kid-glove treatment. The liberal media has their president now. they can’t be too aggressive. I hope I’m wrong—but I’ll bet against myself in this case. The media is nothing more than communications training for the Democrat operative class.