
Of Course, A NYT Op-Ed Member Went There Concerning Trump and His 2016 Upset Win

The Trump presidency is over. Joe Biden’s is about to begin—but that doesn’t mean members of the Trump-deranged media can have their zero-hour analyses of the past four years. Mara Gay of The New York Times decided to throw in a race lecture into the mix. She pretty much said that white supremacy is why the 45th president won the 2016 election, and that allowed “free rein to terrorize the American people for four years.”

So, we’re circling back to this easily debunked notion that racism is why Trump won in 2016. Seriously? Maybe he had a better message. At its core, it was a platform centered on better trade deals, jobs, eschewing political correctness, and making America great again. Fewer regulations and fewer taxes were also part of the mix. He was also an unknown element at the time. He was not a politician, whereas Hillary Clinton had no message, dodged the media, was a swamp creature, not trusted, and had worse unfavorable numbers than Trump. It literally was the most winnable election for Democrats in a generation—and they blew it by anointing a woman with enough political baggage to fill several Amtrak cars. 

She called Trump supporters deplorables. Clinton also thought the Obama coalition would transfer to her. That was another miscalculation. Ignoring white working-class voters was another election killer. I’m just putting it out there; maybe Clinton’s people and the Democratic Party just plain sucked in 2016. They did. 

Trump built the best job market for Black Americans ever under his presidency until COVID hit. There was record unemployment across the board. Millions of new jobs were created. Middle East peace agreements were hashed out. The North American Free Trade Agreement was renegotiated. Are these the policy agenda items of a white supremacist? No. it’s just the liberal media thinking that when they lose—it has to be because of racism because they think they’re entitled to win every election. That their views are so right and so pure that only the worst aspects of humanity could account for their election failures. No. Also, Democrats retook the House in 2018, so it’s not like there was free rein either—whatever that means. 

There’s a reason why Trump got that largest share of the non-white vote for a Republican in years. More blacks and Hispanic voters voted for Trump in 2020. He earned the most votes for an incumbent president ever. Nearly 30 percent of the LGBT community voted for Trump. Is this the coalition of a Nazi? To ignore that while peddling the cheap and trite ‘he’s a racist and that’s why he won’ narrative shows the intellectual rot and dishonesty that’s pervasive with American liberals. You can’t reason with that, which is why conversations are dead in this country. You can’t level with a crybaby.