
Police Say Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Attacked by Antifa Thug

Warning: Strong Language

In case you missed the news on Wednesday, an Antifa supporter attacked the Democratic mayor of Portland, Oregon. But that hardly qualifies as news anymore. Leftist loons have been wreaking havoc for months all around the country. 

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler was punched on Wednesday evening at a restaurant in Portland's Nob Hill neighborhood, according to KATU. The attack happened around 8:30 p.m. local time when an Antifa mob angrily confronted the mayor and one individual punched the mayor in the shoulder, according to Portland Police. The suspect has not been identified and no injuries were reported. 

Video of the incident shows a group of reportedly angry BLM-Antifa rioters threatening the mayor, but the video cuts off before the alleged physical assault takes place. 

"You are going to be made to feel like the scum you are," one of the protesters shouts. "F*ck you, f*ck you, shame on you."

The mayor's office put out a statement on Thursday addressing the incident. 

(Via KATU)

"On Wednesday evening, during a non-work-related dinner with a friend in a designated outdoor area, Mayor Wheeler was confronted by a group of people," the statement reads. "The Mayor had been seated for about five minutes when a group of people began shouting obscenities at the Mayor from the outside of the tent.

"The Mayor attempted to ignore the group, but they eventually pushed their way past restaurant employees at the entrance to the tent and came inside. The Mayor asked them to leave. At that point, one member of the group started swatting at the Mayor and made physical contact with him. The Mayor was not injured. Restaurant staff persuaded the group to leave. Police arrived shortly after and the group dispersed."

"The Mayor is committed to supporting local businesses and wants others to do the same. Given the tenor of political discourse nationally and locally, it’s not unusual for people to confront the Mayor and other elected officials in public. It’s part of the job. The Mayor will continue to support local restaurants and businesses as often as he can. He urges others to do the same."

The alleged attack occurred just days after Mayor Wheeler slammed Antifa and said he was ready, finally, to "push back" against those who are "set on destroying our community." 

In August, a Trump supporter was shot and killed by an Antifa activist. And for months, Antifa supporters attacked the Hatfield Courthouse in Portland and dozens of officers were injured in the nightly riots. The violence was largely ignored by Democrats and the media.