
'Not Just a Man's World': Wasserman Schultz Praises House Rules that Strip All Gendered Language

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) said on Monday she is proud of the new House rules package that includes provisions to strip all gendered language from the House of Representatives.

In a statement about the Rules Package for the 117th Congress, “pronouns and familial relationships” will become gender-neutral:

"It promotes inclusion and diversity. That includes changes that would: establish the Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth; require standing committees to include in their oversight plans a discussion of how committee work over the forthcoming Congress will address issues of inequities on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, or national origin; honor all gender identities by changing pronouns and familial relationships in the House rules to be gender-neutral; make permanent the Office of Diversity and Inclusion to facilitate a diverse workforce that is reflective of our Members and the districts they represent, and survey the diversity of witness panels at committee hearings to ensure we are hearing from diverse groups of experts as we craft legislation."

Wasserman Schultz said the rules package will "modernize" and "facilitate good policy-making" in the House.

"I applaud the inclusion of gender-neutral language that embraces all gender identities and reflects that this chamber is not just a man's world anymore," Wasserman Schultz said.

Wasserman Schultz also praised the rules package will make the Office of Diversity and Inclusion permanent.

House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) was among the Republicans who criticized the provision.

"I'm a proud husband. Proud father of a son and a daughter. They don't even want you to be able to say that anymore," Scalise said, calling the rules package "Soviet-style."