
Liberals Are Probably Fuming Over These Seven Words Trump Uttered in Rejecting COVID Relief Bill

He will fight to the bitter end. No one can say he’s a quitter or soft. President Trump is going to deny conceding the election until pretty much Joe Biden has to move into the White House in January. Look, it’s done. The legal avenue has run its course. The Trump campaign and its allies didn’t convince the courts and they ran out of time. It happens. Whether we like it or not, a Biden presidency is the next chapter here, but Republicans have plenty of ground to mount a defense, pending the results of the Georgia runoffs. Yet, before we descend too far into the 2020 election pit, Trump is still president and he wants a COVID relief bill to help Americans who were economically tortured by Nancy Pelosi and congressional Democrats. These despicable people blocked past attempts to give millions of working families relief during the pandemic. They wanted to better the chances of Biden winning and that means giving the finger to American workers. Pelosi probably loved it. So much for the ‘country over party’ bulls**t. 

A COVID bill and a spending bill were hashed out. They were must-pass since we’re on the verge of a government shutdown because that’s how Democrats govern. Get us into these must-pass situations in order to logroll all the wasteful spending under the sun. It’s a ‘woke’ Christmas sendoff for the progressive Left. We have $700 million going to Sudan, $40 million going to the Kennedy Center, and millions going to Pakistan for some gender nonsense. Oh, in the COVID relief bill, families who were screwed over by Joe Biden’s party are getting $600…because that’s really going to help alleviate months of economic stress. 

Trump was not happy with the amount in the relief checks. He wants a bill with $2,000 payments and has threatened a veto. Beth has more on that here. Yes, I like the veto threat, but it’s probably a symbolic gesture. Trump could whip out the pen, but these current spending and relief bills passed with veto-proof majorities. Should this happen, it will be overridden. I don’t know. I’m not a big fan of harping on moral or symbolic victories. Yet, in his video address regarding these bills, Trump brought the 2020 election into focus, warning that the next administration will have to handle COVID relief, and that administration might be him. 

‘The next administration will have to deliver a Covid relief package,” said the president as he closed his remarks. “And maybe that administration will be me. We will get it done,” he added. 

Those seven words— “and maybe that administration will be me”—has to be driving liberals mad. Sorry, these are your rules. You didn’t accept the 2016 results. You had members of the Democratic Party, the intelligence community, the FBI, the Department of Justice, the liberal news media, and others conspire to derail this presidency through the Russian collusion hoax. Why? Because you didn’t want to accept the results. You wanted to execute a coup. So, sorry, cry me a river over the Left’s consternation over Trump not conceding just yet. Keep trolling, Mr. President.