
Hannity Tells Georgia Voters to Vote in Runoffs, Even if They’re 'Disgusted'

On Monday, Fox News host Sean Hannity asked Georgia voters that, although they have “every right to be disgusted” with the way the 2020 presidential election was handled, to vote in the two Senate runoff elections in January. 

Hannity said on his show, “Make no mistake, this upcoming runoff election is about so much more than just Kelly Loeffler or Senator Perdue."

“The balance of the Senate is at stake here. This impacts every American in profound and deep ways. [If] Republicans lose in Georgia, every gain that the president has made, every historic achievement will be in serious jeopardy. And the last four years of hard work [will go] down the tubes,” he added.

“People of Georgia, we need you. We’ve got radical Democrats...far-left individuals who would love nothing more to repeal and replace every one of President Trump’s pro-growth policy with their own scary, socialist vision of America.

“This election is critical. Georgia and the people of Georgia, even though they have every right to be disgusted and may not have all the answers, they need to go to the polls for the sake of the country. We need you.”

President Trump agrees with Hannity, having echoed similar sentiments at his rally Saturday night. He decisively warned that if Loeffler and Perdue are not successful in their respective races, the Left will “change America forever,” adding that “[I]f you don't vote, the socialists and the communists win.”

This is absolutely correct. Even if we are angry about how the November election was handled and are tenaciously trying to help President Trump across the finish line, holding the Senate is an absolute must. We can walk and chew gum at the same time, and we have to. Because, even if Trump pulls this off, having a 50-50 Senate would make it much harder for him to achieve his goals in a second term.