
Even Joy Reid Is Upset at the 'Good Politicians' Who Are Being Hypocrites with COVID Restrictions

The hypocrisy from Democratic politicians when it comes to their warnings about the dangers of COVID-19 that have been revealed in recent weeks has gotten many Americans understandably upset, even the left-wing people in the mainstream media.

MNSBC host Joy Reid said it was "frustrating" to see politicians like California Gov. Gavin Newsom, San Francisco Mayor London Breed, and Austin, Texas Mayor Steve Adler engage in the very activities they told their constituents to avoid. 

"You know, Rep. Swalwell, it’s frustrating, because everybody is tired, everybody is exhausted. People are sick of staying home, they’re sick of being locked down and not seeing their families and friends. And we all get it, right? But when you have, you know, in your own state the governor eating at a fancy restaurant, the mayor of San Francisco the next night eating at a very — these are very expensive restaurants that they both went to, at French Laundry," Reid said. "When you have the Austin mayor, as in Steve Adler, telling people to stay home, then it turns up the video was made in Cabo, even the good politicians are messing up. And I don’t know what to do at this point when even the good guys are messing up."

Swalwell said it was never too late for people to "just do what’s right," such as wearing masks and not gathering in large groups.

The rank double standards are reaching a boiling point in cities that have been put on extreme lockdowns, such as those in Los Angeles.

The owner of Kitson Los Angeles, a boutique shop in West Hollywood, finally had enough and publicly called out the Democratic politicians on their hypocrisy for their customers to see.