
The Hand Recount in Georgia Has Concluded. Where Does the Trump Campaign Go from Here?

In the battle for Georgia, the results are in—and Joe Biden has appeared to have won by 12,000 votes. It’s a slim margin. It’s one that could launch yet another recount should the Trump team request one. The margin has to fall within 0.5 percent. It’s applicable here, but according to reports—there wasn’t much movement. Trump clinched another 1,300 votes, but it was not enough to flip the state (via NBC News):

A hand tally of the presidential race in Georgia is complete, and the results affirm Democrat Joe Biden’s lead over Republican President Donald Trump.

Biden went into the recount with a margin of 13,558 votes, according to votes tallied by NBC. Previously uncounted ballots discovered during the hand count reduced that margin to 12,284 votes, the Georgia Secretary of State's office reported.

”The recount process simply reaffirmed what we already knew: Georgia voters selected Joe Biden to be their next president, “Jaclyn Rothenberg, Georgia communications director for the Biden campaign said. “We are grateful to the election officials, volunteers and workers for working overtime and under unprecedented circumstances to complete this recount, as the utmost form of public service.”

The hand recount of nearly 5 million votes stemmed from an audit required by a new state law and wasn’t in response to any suspected problems with the state’s results or an official recount request. The state has until Friday to certify the results that have been certified and submitted by the counties.

So, where do we go from here? Team Trump isn’t giving up. Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani held a press conference saying they have evidence of coordinated voter fraud, and that Trump won in a landslide.  

We shall see.