
Former CIA Director John Brennan Wants Mike Pence to Invoke the 25th Amendment to Force Trump Out

Former CIA Director John Brennan told CNN host Chris Cuomo on Monday he believes Vice President Mike Pence needs to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump from office in order to ensure a peaceful transfer of power.

Democrats have been rejoicing since Democratic nominee Joe Biden and Kalama Harris have been projected to be the winner of the 2020 presidential election, but Trump and his team contest there has been widespread voter fraud in the handful of states that have yet to finish counting votes.

"All right. So, this is the key question. What can be done? Short of him messing with the Electoral College and trying to have Republican or friendlies pick their own electors and go grand-scale with faithless electors, what can be done to stop anything he wants in the next 72 days?" Cuomo asked.

"Well, if Vice President Pence and the Cabinet had an ounce of fortitude and spine and patriotism, I think they would seriously consider invoking the 25th Amendment and, you know, pushing Donald Trump out, because he is just very unpredictable now. He is like a cornered cat/tiger and he is going to lash out," Brennan said.

"And the fact, again, that he has the powers of the presidency in his hands is quite worrisome. Now, we know that Attorney General Barr has done Donald Trump’s bidding in the past. Will he continue to do that vis-à-vis this election? I don’t know. But I do think it’s something that the members of Congress, the leadership of the Republican Party, really needs to send clear signals to Donald Trump that if he goes — continues to go along this path, they are going to put up roadblocks," he added.

The 25th Amendment enables the cabinet to remove a president from office if they believe he or she is no longer able to properly serve as president.