
Don't Expect Much of the Unity Talk to Sink In After What Biden's Rapid Response Director Just Said

Joe Biden looks like he’ll be elected the next president of the United States. He’s on the cusp. Decision Desk has called it, but every legal count should be counted. It isn’t over until all the votes are counted. There will be talk of unity with Biden. You know this is going to happen. It’s your run-of-the-mill address to the other side. Don’t believe it. 

For starters, none of us like Biden. We don’t trust Democrats. They’re the enemy. Period. Biden will never represent our interests. Even if he wanted to be bipartisan, he has a rabid progressive wing he needs to keep satisfied in order to keep his job. Working with Republicans is anathema. 

President Trump doesn’t intend to concede the election, which led to Biden’s rapid response director saying, “The United States government is perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the White House.”

I mean, there was probably a better way to phrase this, right? At the same time, this is how Democrats have felt about President Trump since day one of his presidency. 

These people hate us, folks. Act accordingly.