
James Clyburn Starts to Panic About Black Voters Shifting to Trump

Democrat Congressman James Clyburn is berating black voters who are choosing President Donald Trump over former Vice President Joe Biden. In fact, he's so panicked about Trump winning that he's already blaming "voter suppression." 

"It's a close race. It's all about turnout at this point. I suspect we will find out in 48-hours how successful these suppression tactics have been. That is one concern that I have. The only way in my opinion for Joe Biden not to be successful on Tuesday is for voter suppression to be successful," Clyburn claimed during an interview Sunday with Fox News. "I will tell you what and I mean this sincerely. I'm the father of three Black women. I am the son of a Black woman. If any Black man can go in a polling place and cast a vote for a man who referred to a Black woman as a dog on national television, I'm going to have to pray for them. I will have to pray for them. I don't know of any man can abide that kind of disrespect and insult."

Meanwhile in Michigan, Clyburn has someone to pray for.

"I'm tired. I've been a Democrat, I am a Democrat, all my life. Sixty-four years. Last four years I voted for Hillary Clinton. This year, I decided to vote for President Trump. I'm not a bootlicker. I'm not an Uncle Tom. I'm none of those things. I'm somebody who is in a poor, impoverished community," Flint, Michigan City Council Member Maurice Davis said during a recent Trump campaign event. "People are losing everything and when Mr. Trump said ‘what the hell do you have to lose?’ He was talking to me.”

Polling shows President Trump has tripled his support from black voters since 2016.