
'Red Wave'? Enthusiasm at Biden's Campaign Stop in Georgia Was Non-existent

Enthusiasm is in the air for the 2020 election, alright, but not for Joe Biden. The pandemic couldn’t have happened at a better time for the former vice president—allowing him to stay cooped up in his basement, avoid taking questions from the press (when they decide to throw him anything other than softball questions), and not having to keep up with the demands of nonstop campaigning. Beyond that, scarcely attended events have been given minimal scrutiny because, hey, he’s just following strict safety protocols, right?

President Trump's massive rallies have been accused of being superspreader events, but don't forget that's coming from the same people who said nothing about the thousands of leftists marching in the streets all summer long protesting police brutality, with many Democratic politicians marching with them.

The reality is that Biden’s events are depressing and show that the enthusiasm edge is not in his favor. Democrats this election cycle are voting more against President Trump than they are for President Harris Biden.

A campaign event Biden attended in Warm Springs, Ga., on Tuesday is the perfect example.

Remember, we are one week from the election...and this is the crowd and energy. If the RNC's Elizabeth Harrington is right, it shows a red wave is coming.