
A Little More Than a Week From Election Day and Biden Calls an Early Lid

Election Day is nine days away. This is go time for campaigns. It's their last chance to convince undecided voters to vote for their candidate. 

Former Vice President Joe Biden's campaign, however, is taking a different approach. Instead of hitting the campaign trail – either virtually or in-person – they called a lid for the day... and well before noon eastern time. 

Interestingly enough, Biden had a tweet earlier in the day saying "Let's go," as if it say it's go time. 

What's amazing is Biden's lid was called less than two hours after the former vice president's tweet.

President Donald Trump's Communications Director, Tim Murtaugh, saw the irony in the statement:

If Joe Biden can't handle the pressure of campaigning – even if it's online and in his basement – how is he going to handle the role of being president? He was drained halfway through last week's debate. Being the commander-in-chief means pulling long hours with sleepless nights. Instead of addressing concerns, especially about Hunter's laptop and what was allegedly found on it, Biden's campaign strategy is to hide. The President of the United States can't hide every time some kind of conflict happens, especially when it comes to foreign affairs.