
Amy McGrath Blames Leader McConnell For Blocked COVID Relief Package After Democrats Filibustered

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) attempted to adjourn the Senate on Monday night, in hopes of derailing Judge Barrett’s confirmation to the Supreme Court. Sen. Schumer executed this political stunt as Senate Republicans gave the minority party another opportunity to pass an additional COVID relief package, which Democrats torpedoed last month. 

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Senate Republicans were able to block Sen. Schumer’s desperate attempt at keeping Judge Barrett off of the high court. Leader McConnell's Democrat challenger, Amy McGrath, weighed in, but did not acknowledge that her own party is responsible for filibustering the last proposed relief package.

Despite Sen. Schumer’s attempt to adjourn, Leader McConnell is expected to hold a vote on additional COVID stimulus next week: