
Jack Dorsey Ratioed for Non-Apology on Election Interference

Twitter co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey issued a non-apology on Wednesday after the tech giant censored the New York Post and put its large thumb on the scale to further rig the election for Joe Biden. 

Twitter is citing policies to defend the censorship, but the policies don't seem to apply to the Post's reporting on the alleged corruption of the Biden family. 

(Via The Hill

The decision was made based on the platform’s hacked materials policy, a spokesperson for Twitter told The Hill.

The same policy was implemented over the summer to ban links to a trove of hacked police documents called “BlueLeaks.”

According to the policy, discussion of hacks “including reporting on a hack, or sharing press coverage of hacking” does not violate the rules.

The Twitter spokesperson did not immediately respond to questions about why the Post’s reporting is not included under that exemption

The tech behemoth also did nothing to stop an anonymously sourced report alleging that President Trump called fallen World War One soldiers "suckers" and "losers" or to suppress coverage of President Trump's illegally-acquired tax returns. Those were hacked somehow. 

For many, Twitter's election interference was finally a bridge too far in the company's partisan censorship.