
Biden’s Flabbergasting Response to Court Packing Question Should Concern Voters

Following Wednesday night’s vice presidential debate, former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris campaigned in Arizona. After Sen. Harris dodged a simple question about “court packing” during her debate with Vice President Mike Pence, Biden declined to take a stance on the fringe issue that is gaining momentum within the Democratic party.

Asked his opinion on expanding the size of the Supreme Court, which Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has not taken off the table, Biden said that Americans will know his opinion after the general election.

Biden called the question about "court packing" a "distraction." Though the former vice president continually ducks the straightforward question, his running mate previously said she was “absolutely open to” packing the high court with more than nine justices. 

Biden is seeking the highest office in the land, and voters deserve to know his stances on consequential issues, including expanding the size of the Supreme Court. The idea of “packing the court” used to exist solely on the far-left fringe of the Democratic party, but is gaining traction in the mainstream; nearly every Democratic primary contender said that they were open to exploring the idea. His refusal to endorse or condemn the radical proposal, while he runs on a platform of “returning to normalcy,” says a lot about his electoral priorities.