
One of CNN's Van Jones' Issues With Mike Pence's Debate Performance Is Utterly Laughable

Look, I give CNN’s Van Jones a little more latitude on some things. Yes, I know—shocking, right? Despite his liberal views, I do find him somewhat more honest among the anti-Trump rabble they have contracted over there. There is good and bad. Bill Maher is the same with me as well. Maher is good on free speech, radical Islam, and calling Democrats out when they’re stupid. Van Jones may have said that 2016 was a “whitelash,” and got overly dramatic about people texting them about feeling unsafe with Trump as president. Okay, but he also admitted that Trump-Russia was a nothing burger. He also warned Democrats in 2016 that the so-called blue wall was crumbling. In the end, he was right. Trump shattered that sucker. 

Now, granted, last night was bad. Jones went on regarding Pence being a ‘mansplainer,’ even though Harris spoke longer. He was propping up Harris. Again, nothing shocking, though it’s quite hilarious for some of these guys to say speak about conservatism as if it’s some controversial political ideology. 

Jones said that Pence “was masterful in normalizing conservative ideas,” and making it seem normal again—whatever that means. Again, it tickles me that job creation, cutting taxes, reducing the size of government, rebuilding our military, supporting free speech, appointing judges who respect the Constitution, and nixing job-killing red tape is abnormal. 

Whereas they think that taxpayer-funded baby-killing, high taxes, no job, speech codes, and authoritarian sociopolitical systems is…mainstream. Defunding the police is…popular. It’s not. None of these whacko ideas are popular. So, again, Van Jones was wrong. I disagree, but he may be one of the few CNN liberals I can actually stand. Over at MSNBC, it’s literally the lizard people. CNN may be annoying as hell, but at least there are sentient beings over there. MSDNC is cracked out like no other.