
VP Pence to Dems: Judge Barrett is on Capitol Hill. You Should Meet With Her.

Vice President Mike Pence is encouraging Democrat Senators to meet with Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett this week on Capitol Hill, despite their vocal opposition to her appointment. 

"We truly do believe that Judge Barrett represents the best of America personally, in terms of her great intellect and her great background. And we have every confidence that as the American people learn more about Judge Amy Coney Barrett, they will be as inspired as President Trump was when he made her nomination," Pence said after meeting with Barrett and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell Tuesday morning. "We believe the Senate has an opportunity, Leader, for a fair and respectful consideration hearing.  We urge our Democrat colleagues in the Senate to take the opportunity to meet with Judge Barrett and, as the hearing goes forward, to provide the kind of respectful hearing that the American people expect."

While Democrats like West Virginia's Joe Manchin will meet with Barrett, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer will not. 

Schumer has no evidence Barrett is "determined to get rid of the Affordable Care Act."