
WATCH: CBP Crew Conducts Yet Another Remote Air Rescue of a Distressed Illegal Alien

Border Patrol agents are continually rescuing injured and distressed illegal aliens. 

U.S. Customs and Border Protection's (CBP) Air and Marine Operations (AMO) Tucson Air Branch UH-60 crew conducted their second hoist extraction rescue this week in Arizona's Baboquivari Peak Wilderness area.

The crew responded to a 911 call from a distressed illegal alien on Tuesday. The crew performed two hoist insertions, lowering an AMO Rescue Specialist and a Border Patrol Tactical Unit (BORTAC) team member. The crew then performed three hoist extractions of the AMO Rescue Specialist, BORTAC team member, and the distressed illegal alien. 

The illegal alien was transferred to ground agents for processing. 

"AMO Agents have years of experience in high-stress, dynamic scenarios, with aircrew duties range from hoisting injured persons from dangerous conditions to performing emergency medical treatment in potentially life-threatening situations," said Michael Montgomery, director, Air and Marine Operations at the Tucson Air Branch in a press release. "Our Agents routinely demonstrate the flexibility of Customs and Border Protection mission, which can rapidly evolve from a law enforcement response to a humanitarian rescue."

Just two days earlier, the crew rescued another distressed illegal alien in the foothills of the Baboquivari Mountains. In the current fiscal year, Tucson-based aircrews have rescued 42 individuals.

Despite the risk to their lives amid the coronavirus pandemic, Border Patrol agents continue to rescue illegal aliens, who often become lost and in need of assistance after human smugglers abandon them in remote areas.

In August, Border Patrol agents in the Tucson Sector rescued nearly 30 illegal aliens over the course of a weekend. 

The coronavirus has been exploding in Mexico, and hundreds of border patrol agents have been placed in quarantine after coming into contact with infected migrants. Acting CBP Commissioner Mark A. Morgan announced in early August that 10 CBP officers have died as a result of contracting COVID-19.