
Minnesota Reporter Shreds the Biden Campaign for Icing Out Local Media During State Visit

A reporter in Minnesota criticized the way Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's campaign decided to deal with local media, which is to say not at all and only having pool reporters interact with the candidate.

Dan Wolfe with Duluth-based KBJR 6 tweeted the Biden campaign had not "released info to all media as far as exact time and location. We had to get it from NBC. Also, it’s pool only. No media inside the hall. They also yanked the only one-on-one interview. Begs the question: what’s the point of coming here at all??"

Wolfe says he understands the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic limits the opportunities to interact with Biden but "all we hear from Democrats is 'our democracy is at stake.' If so, might want to start campaigning like that’s the case. This [Biden] visit was badly bungled by his people."

A Minnesota-based photographer also said even local photographers were not allowed to cover Biden's event.

The Trump campaign said "Biden’s handlers are playing 'hide the candidate' from the local media."