
Popcorn: The 'Woke Left Has Started Burning J.K. Rowling Books

It’s entertaining. Sorry, the ‘woke’ Left turning on their hero, J.K. Rowling, because she believes in science when it comes to sex and gender. As we’ve noted before, the best part is that Rowling is ‘woke.’ She’s a super liberal—but she’s deviated from the herd on one issue and now she’s persona non grata. It shows how authoritarian the left-wing ethos is—and how intolerance is a hallmark characteristic of progressivism. And now, they’re burning her books. Who are the fascists again? The tantrum erupted when Rowling supposedly contains a plotline in her new book that’s supposedly transphobic (via Newsweek):

A new TikTok trend has emerged this week as former "Harry Potter" fans protest author J.K. Rowling's widely criticized views on trans people by burning copies of her books.

One video, posted by TikTok user @elmcdo shows a number of "Harry Potter" books being placed on a burning pyre.

"You have to stop using 'death of the author' as an excuse to have your cake and eat it too," the voiceover says. "While the reader's perspective is an important part of interpretation and meaning, it is impossible to completely divorce a work from its creator."


The video ends with the message: "Your love of 'Harry Potter' is not more important than the lives of trans women."

These are un-serious people. It’s popcorn-worthy for sure. The fight for trans rights can only be accomplished…by channeling the book burnings of Nazi Germany. Good optics there, kids.