
John Kerry Uses DNC Speech to Lie About the Iran Deal

Former Secretary of State John Kerry addressed the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday night, and it was one lie after another as he tried to compare and contrast the Obama administration's foreign policy with that of the Trump administration.

"We eliminated the threat of an Iran with a nuclear weapon,” Kerry declared.


Former U.S. ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley wrote about this in her book, "With All Due Respect." As she recalls, she left Vienna, Austria, the site of one of the major UN headquarters, with more questions than answers.

"To begin with, Iran had flatly denied that the IAEA could inspect military sites," Haley writes. "But we knew these sites were locations where Iran had engaged in nuclear activity in the past. Did the IAEA inspectors know for a fact that no nuclear activity was occurring at these two sites? How could they know if Iran refused to allow site inspections?

"We had other questions about the crucial issue of exactly how we knew what Iran was up to," she continued. "The agreement allowed Iran to put off inspections of suspected sites for up to twenty-four day s- more than three weeks. What could be done in three weeks to wipe a site clean?"

One other factor extremely concerning to Ambassador Haley was Iran's ballistic missile program, still very much in progress. 

"Why had the regime continued to test ballistic missiles that could carry a nuclear bomb if it had given up its nuclear-weapons program?" she wondered.

With so many unanswered questions and no apparent curbs on Iran's aggression, President Trump refused to certify the nuclear agreement in October 2017. 

And yet Kerry asserts that Trump doesn't take our foreign threats seriously and that he "won't defend our country" and he "doesn't know how to defend our troops." 

Our brave men and women in uniform, Kerry said, "can't afford" another four years of Trump.

But they can afford Joe Biden? As former Obama defense secretary Robert Gates recalled, Biden was wrong on nearly every major foreign policy issue. And he "doesn't know" how good of a president the former VP would make.

"He's a man of integrity, incapable of hiding what he really thinks, and one of those rare people you know you could turn to for help in a personal crisis," Gates said. "Still, I think he's been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades."

The Republican National Committee agrees and pointed out a few specifics.

"If Joe Biden were president, Osama bin Laden would still be alive, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi would still be alive, Soleimani would still be alive, China would be eating our lunch and Iran would be on the path to a nuke," RNC Rapid Response Director Steve Guest said in January following a Democratic primary debate.