
Wow: A Christian Leader Is Making the Case That the 'Wrong Trump' Died

Following the death of Robert Trump, President Donald Trump's 71-year-old younger brother, Democrats took to Twitter to voice their disdain for the president. In fact, the hashtag #WrongTrump was trending because they wish it was the president who had died, not his brother.

What's even worse is this trend was started by a "Bishop."

Lefties wanting to see someone dead because they disagree with the person's politics is nothing new. A Christian advocating for that is absolutely disgusting.

And it lead others to share the same kind of hatred:

As Pastor Greg Locke said, this is why Trump will be re-elected in November:

No one should be wanting to see the president die. That's just wrong. If conservatives said this when President Obama was in office, leftists would throwing their arms in the air, claiming people are racist and vile. Why is this no different? Oh, that's right. Because Trump Derangement Syndrome is alive and well.