
New Poll: Americans Continue to Lose Patience Over Demanding Teachers Unions

As families across the country continue to grapple with the aftermath of Wuhan coronavirus, teachers unions are making outrageous demands for reopening schools. 

In California, the Los Angeles Teacher's Union is demanding the following before teachers will go back to work. 

-Moratorium on private schools

-Defunding the police

-Increase taxes on the "rich"

-Government run healthcare  


But according to new polling from Rasmussen, Americans continue to lose patience with teachers unions and their approval has gone down since last year. 

Most parents want their kids to go back to school in the fall, but teachers’ unions nationwide are fighting efforts to reopen. Americans, especially those with children, are now more critical of those unions and suspect that they have too much influence over local school operations.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 39% of American Adults still think it’s a good thing that most teachers belong to public employee unions, but that’s down from 45% last year and back to levels measured several years ago. Thirty-three percent (33%) say it’s a bad thing most teachers are unionized, while 13% feel it has no impact. Fourteen percent (14%) are not sure.

Last week New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced schools will reopening on schedule with adaptations and guidelines.