
CNN Gets Rolled for One of the Most Politically Correct (And Stupid) Tweets in Recent Memory

Who is running CNN’s social media? It’s really not a critical question, but the super ‘woke’ nonsense they just pushed out on Twitter is well, just odd.  It’s anti-science. It is how political correctness makes us all dumber. Well, it shows how much dumber CNN has become for sure. It’s a punchline. Pure and simple. The ‘woke’ agenda is parody akin to what you’d read in The Onion or Babylon Bee. 

In their tweet about a study on cervical cancer, the anti-Trump news network couldn’t utter the word “women.” I’m serious. They said, “individuals with a cervix are now recommended to start cervical cancers screening at 25 and continue through age 65, with HPV testing every five years as the preferred method of testing, according to a new guideline released by the American Cancer Society.”

“Individuals with a cervix?” You mean, women? Only women have cervixes. This isn’t hard. This is a scientific fact. Men do not have this. Transwomen do not have this. It’s only women who have this. And it’s actually some critical health news for women that’s been overshadowed and mocked because CNN refused to use the correct language in order to avoid being offensive or something. As some noted in the responses, how can erasing women be viewed as a progressive action item? There are two genders. Yes, I said it and I didn’t evaporate into the ether. Deal with it. 

Women “are now recommended to start cervical cancers screening at 25 and continue through age 65, with HPV testing every five years as the preferred method of testing, according to a new guideline released by the American Cancer Society.”

There, I fixed it. It’s now accurate. Shouldn’t this be flagged and fact-checked? I thought that was a thing now, is it not anymore?