
Eric Holder Criticizes GOP Governors Over Coronavirus, Abbott Punches Back with Three Questions

Texas Governor Greg Abbott responded to Eric Holder’s criticism over the handling of the coronavirus by asking Obama’s former attorney general three questions.

“Why did Governors in Arizona, Texas and Florida delay closing down, rush to reopen & politicize mask use? Idiocy & political gutlessness,” Holder tweeted. “Combined with Trump ineptitude this has led to unnecessary suffering that will only get worse over the next few weeks.”

He sent out his message along with a link to a Washington Post column by fake "conservative" Jennifer Rubin titled, "Here are the governors who hurt so many, so needlessly," with Abbott's face featured as the main image.

“Eric—why is Texas tied for the lowest death rate of the 27 most affected states?" the Republican governor asked in response.

“Why have more Texans recovered from COVID than any other state & twice the number of New Yorkers?” was his second question.

Finally, the Texas governor wanted to know if he could answer why California is “spiking more than TX even though it shut down harder & longer than TX?”

Other conservatives jumped in to respond to the former AG.