
WATCH: Sleepy Joe Tells Trump to 'Wake Up' in Lethargic Speech

For months, Joe Biden has been resting in his basement as the liberal media enables the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee to avoid the mental exertions that are required on the campaign trail. With the election fast approaching, the Trump team is calling out the mainstream media for refusing to televise the doddering remarks of the former vice president. Biden's ramblings have raised legitimate concerns about what many characterize as a rapid decline in Biden's mental faculties. 

On Wednesday, the candidate delivered a speech in Darby, Pennsylvania, and it became pretty clear as to why the liberal media has largely chosen to avoid airing the candidate's events. While surrounded by teleprompters, Biden lethargically read prepared remarks as he perplexingly shouted during various times throughout the speech.

Since President Trump has nicknamed the former vice president "Sleepy Joe," Biden's handlers must have thought it was a clever retort to call on President Trump to "wake up." But the hypocrisy should be apparent to anyone who watched the speech.  

"Mr. President, wake up," Biden said listlessly. "Get to work. There's so much more to be done." 

Biden then paused for several awkward seconds before abruptly concluding his speech with a sluggish, "Thank you." 

The lost crowd was seemed unaware that Biden had concluded his speech, applauding only after Biden began walking away.

The virtual appearances didn't work. The sea of teleprompters didn't help. Maybe the campaign should use a hologram of the candidate and pretape his speeches. Surely the liberal media will go along with it.