
Progressive Columnist Stuns with a Shocking Take on How Biden Can Do No Wrong

Democrats are working overtime to get President Donald Trump ousted from the White House in November. They have gone to extremes, as evidenced by progressive Katha Pollitt's opinion piece in The Nation, saying she "would vote for Joe Biden if he boiled babies and ate them."

Her comments were part of an opening lede in a piece about whether or not she believed Tara Reade's sexual assault allegations against the former vice president (obviously, she believes Creepy Joe). 

I would vote for Joe Biden if he boiled babies and ate them. He wasn’t my candidate, but taking back the White House is that important. Four more years of Trump will replace what remains of our democracy with unchecked rule by kleptocrats, fascists, religious fanatics, gun nuts, and know-nothings. The environment? Education? Public health? The rights of voters, workers, immigrants, people of color, and yes, women? Forget them. And not just for the next four years: A Trump victory will lock down the courts for decades. I cannot believe that a rational person can grasp the disaster that is Donald Trump and withhold their support from Biden because of Tara Reade.

People were, rightfully, confused and disgusted by the remark.

At least one Democrat was disgusted by the comment.

If Democrats want to go to bat for Biden, fine. So be it. If they want to choose to believe Biden over Tara Reade, they have that prerogative. But why does everything have to be so over-the-top and like the world is going to end if President Trump is re-elected? Oh, that's right. Because it means people will be working and not relying on government handouts. Remember: unemployment was at record-lows before the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic broke out (thanks, China). It means the Trump administration can continue on criminal justice reform and undoing the terrible policies that Biden was responsible for pushing – like the 1994 crime bill – that disproportionately impacted black families. It means another four years of administration standing up for religious freedoms, the sanctity of life and the Second Amendment. 

Democrats will turn a blind eye to Biden's wrongdoings, not because they believe in his policies, but because they hate Trump that much.