
Jim Jordan Gives a Perfect Example of Who Will Suffer Under the HEROES Act

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) on Friday took to the House floor to encourage his colleagues to vote against the $3 trillion HEROES Act that the Democrats were pushing because it takes money from American companies and gives it to illegal aliens.

"In one week the Democrats have shown us exactly what they want to do. In one week's time," he said. "May 8th, one week ago, seven Democrats on the Coronavirus Select Committee sends a letter to Universal Stainless and Alloy Products in Western Pennsylvania and they say,' Give back your PPP money.'"

Jordan holds up a copy of the letter the Democrats sent the steel company.

"Here's the letter. 'You have not returned these funds,'" he said, reading from the letter. "Three days later, May 11th, four of our colleagues – two Democrats, two Republicans – send a letter to those seven Democrats and say, 'Hey, hey. Wait a minute. Universal Stainless followed the rules. They're entitled to their money. If they have to give it back they will have to lay off steelworkers.'"

The congressman blasted the Democrats' HEROES Act for giving money to illegal aliens.

"This bill does what? It gives tax dollars to illegal immigrants. In one week's time, take money from steelworkers [and] give it to illegal immigrants. That's the Democrat vision for their country," Jordan said. "And if, for no other reason, that's why we should vote against this bill."

The House passed the HEROES Act by a narrow margin on Friday late Friday night.

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