
'Who Runs This State? The People!' Gov. Whitmer Led Citizen Protest Against Governor in 2012

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D) said on Thursday that she hopes to ease her strict stay-at-home order by the end of the month, and allow gatherings of 10 or more people. While indicating that the order may be lifted in the foreseeable future, Gov. Whitmer did not offer specific data, nor any insight on the state’s system for providing unemployment benefits, which has run into logistical issues during this pandemic.

While her constituents grow frustrated at Gov. Whitmer’s lack of transparency, the Michigan Democrat says that statewide protests are “violent,” “racist,” and “misogynistic.” 

"This is not appropriate in a global pandemic, but it's certainly not an exercise of democratic principles where we have free speech," Whitmer said on The View on Wednesday. 

Gov. Whitmer added that protests constitute a public threat, one that is not a viable exercise of free speech, and that such demonstrations would lead to her extension of the stay-at-home order:

While she criticizes protests, video shows that Gov. Whitmer led protests against Michigan’s state legislature in 2012, during her tenure as a state senator:

Gov. Whitmer continues to inject herself into the national spotlight, as a favorite of the cable news circuit, while she lobbies to be Joe Biden’s vice presidential candidate.