
'Apples and Oranges:' Doug Jones Dismisses Biden Versus Kavanaugh Double Standard

As Tara Reade’s graphic allegations of sexual misconduct against presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden gain traction in the mainstream media, Democrats have jumped to the former vice president’s defense with minimal questioning. Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL) weighed in over the weekend and gave no weight to Reade’s claims. Sen. Jones is viewed as the most vulnerable Democrat on November’s Senate map. 

The Alabama Democrat took a shot at Reade’s credibility before hearing the full story; Sen. Jones previously advocated for all claims to be heard equally, but does not afford Reade, who is accusing his friend and ally Joe Biden, such an opportunity:

“The more that comes out, the more and more it, to me, does not have the indicia of credibility that I would be looking to at all.” 

In the face of Reade’s claims against the Democratic nominee, Democrats who were vocally opposed to the confirmation of then-Judge Brett Kavanaugh, on account of less-substantial allegations against the jurist, are confronted with their own standard for credibility and evidence. In the Fall of 2018, as Kavanaugh faced a partisan confirmation battle, Sen. Jones was satisfied with Dr. Ford’s credibility:

“Dr. Ford was credible and courageous and I am concerned about the message our vote will be sending to our sons and daughters, as well as victims of sexual assault. I will be voting no," the Alabama Democrat said just before Kavanaugh was confirmed to the high court. 

Tara Reade’s case against Biden is accompanied by more contemporaneous evidence and corroboration than Dr. Ford ever had to bolster her case against Kavanaugh. When confronted by this reality, and his glaring double standard for the accused, Sen. Jones likened the allegations against Biden and Kavanaugh to “apples and oranges.” 

Sen. Jones was one of Biden's first public endorsements as the Alabama Democrat prepared for a tough re-election battle. As Reade’s case against Biden grows, Democrats on the campaign trail are rightfully confronted with the “believe women” standard that they themselves created. The seat currently held by Sen. Jones is rated as "Lean Republican" by Cook Political Report as Jeff Sessions seeks to take the seat he previously held back.