
WATCH: Another Democrat Protecting Communist China

Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) went on Fox News to defend China on Saturday. Porter attempted to obscure the communist regime's responsibility for unleashing the deadly Wuhan coronavirus on the world. 

To absolve China, Porter was throwing everything at the wall to see what stuck. Nothing did. The California representative characterized the Wuhan coronavirus as a "global phenomenon" and said evidence proves that outbreaks in the U.S. had their origins in Europe, not China.  

"There's a lot of evidence that the cases that began to pop up and expand in the United States actually came from Europe," Porter said, as she dodged a question about whether or not she would support a Republican bill to hold the Chinese government accountable. 

In her brazen defense of China, the only time the California representative's voice seemed demure was when she made obligatory remarks critical of the communist regime. 

"They came from China," Porter said quickly, before strongly emphasizing her main point: "This is a global phenomenon, and we should think about it that way."

It sounded like Porter was denying two things: that the virus came from China and that the Chinese government had been dishonest in the critical first months of the pandemic. The first-term congresswoman was asked to clarify. 

"We can definitely agree that it began in China and we can definitely agree that we should have had more transparency with what was happening in China ...," the congresswoman admitted. 

If so, then why is it so hard for Porter to say China should be held responsible? 

"Allow me to finish," Porter demanded, knowing the Chinese propaganda she was about to spew would surely be questioned. "Because we currently, in the United States, have the largest number of cases in the world, and we are going to, likely, given the trend that we are seeing, continue to have the largest number of cases in the world."

"Could that possibly be because the Chinese didn't tell the truth about the number of cases and the number of deaths that they have, and we are telling the truth?" the congresswoman was asked.  

"We should absolutely be pushing for answers and doing that investigation and that's why funding for the World Health Organization ... The WHO is the entity that helps coordinate world health," Porter argued. "hence its name: World Health Organization."

The WHO has become a parrot that simply repeats communist propaganda, much like Porter. The world's so-called health organization repeated China's deadly lie in January that the virus was not transmissible through human-to-human contact, ignoring dire warnings from Taiwan showing evidence to the contrary. 

After absurdly claiming the WHO is the appropriate body to lead the investigation into China, the Democrat then faults the Trump administration for not having the clairvoyance back in November to demand answers from China. 

Porter also blamed Trump's China travel ban for not going far enough by allowing thousands of infected Americans to return from China and spread the disease throughout the U.S., even after Porter had just claimed that outbreaks in the U.S. came from Europe. 

Who is Rep. Porter really representing these days? 

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