
WATCH: Trump Campaign Ad Dunks on Pelosi for Failing to Understand the Coronavirus' Devastating Impact on Americans

The Trump campaign on Monday released a new ad slamming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for not taking the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic seriously. While millions of Americans are out of work and struggling to put food on the table, Pelosi decided to show off her $24,000 dual fridges. The freezers are stocked with various types of ice cream bars and sorbet and she has a basket of chocolate floating in her kitchen.

"They ask for a quarter of a trillion dollars in 48 hours. I don't think so," Pelosi said with a smirk, referring to the stimulus package she derailed. 

Small businesses across America have had to close up shop because they are not deemed "essential." They have had to lay off employees. And some are even having to permanently close their business. Going months without any cash flow has ravaged American families and businesses and yet Pelosi seems to think this is all fun and games and politics as usual. It's why she derailed a bipartisan, bicameral stimulus agreement at the last minute. Instead of worrying about Americans, she was focused on pushing her far-left agenda and wish list. Instead of getting things done so Americans could see relief, she tried attaching stupid things, like offsetting airline emissions by 2025, bailing out the United States Postal Service and forcing the federal minimum wage to increase to $15 an hour.

While Pelosi's shoving ice cream and chocolate in her face, Americans are lining up at food banks and rationing food just to survive. This is so many's reality but it's far-fetched for the speaker.

Congrats, Nancy. You're the typical elitist that Americans despise. You should be ashamed of yourself.  

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