
Nikki Haley Recalls How Biden Has Downplayed the Threat from China

In May of last year, Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) predicted that a tweet of former Vice President Joe Biden's would "not age well." And he was proven right probably sooner than he expected. On the campaign trail last May, Biden said that China was not a threat to the United States. China has enough internal problems to deal with and the U.S. should have no concerns about the communist state, he explained at the time.

"China is going to eat our lunch?" he asked. "Come on, man."

"They're not bad folks, folks," he later added. "But guess what? They're not competition for us."

That spawned Sen. Romney's prescient prediction.

Biden's team tried to clean up his remarks, suggesting that Biden had simply "underscored that, whatever challenges we face as a nation, including those posed by a rising China, they pale in comparison to the structural and social challenges that confront China itself."

Former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley reminded Biden of his troublesome remarks now that we are deep in the throes of the coronavirus pandemic.

The virus, which has now killed almost 150,000 people worldwide, not only originated in Wuhan, China, but new evidence suggests that the Chinese government destroyed lab work and failed to warn the rest of the world about the deadly strain for days. Even worse, they fed us propaganda. And the World Health Organization bought it. That's why President Trump announced on Wednesday that the U.S. would be stopping its funding for the wayward organization.

If Biden can't even correctly identify China as a foe, how will he fare as our commander-in-chief?