
CPAC Attendee Tests Positive for Coronavirus

The American Conservative Union (ACU) , the host of the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), on Saturday confirmed that an attendee from this year's conference has a confirmed case of coronavirus.

The ACU sent attendees the following email, making them aware of the situation:

The American Conservative Union has learned that one of our CPAC attendees has unfortunately tested positive today for coronavirus. The exposure occurred previous to the conference. A New Jersey hospital tested the person, and CDC confirmed the positive result. The individual is under the care of medical professionals in the state of New Jersey, and has been quarantined. 

ACU has been in contact with the Health Department of the State of Maryland, and we will explicitly follow the guidance from government health experts. 

This attendee had no interaction with the President or the Vice President and never attended the events in the main hall. 

The health and safety of our attendees and participants is our top priority. Any attendee who has questions can contact ACU or the Department of Health for the State of Maryland. 

Our children, spouses, extended family, and friends attended CPAC. During this time, we need to remain calm, listen to our health care professionals, and support each other. We send this message in that spirit. 

The Trump Administration is aware of the situation, and we will continue regular communication with all appropriate government officials.

Real Clear Politics' Philip Wegmann spoke with ACU Chairman Matt Schlapp about the situation following the email. Schlapp revealed that the infected attendee is a friend of his.

Schlapp took to Twitter to comment on the situation and clarify on assumptions and some of the unknowns, including about whether or not President Donald Trump and/or Vice President Mike Pence came in close proximity or contact with the attendee.

Schlapp said he also spoke with the attendee who is "on the mend."