
Warren Spars with Bernie Supporter at CNN Town Hall Over the Nominating Process

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) sparred with a Sen. Bernie Sanders supporter during a CNN Democratic town hall over the number of delegates a candidate should amass before clinching the nomination. It's Sen. Sanders's (new) position that the candidate with a plurality of delegates at the Democratic National Convention should win the whole thing. Warren has a different idea.

"This essentially means the will of the voters would be denied by the superdelegates and the DNC which is basically undemocratic and in my opinion is a bunch of baba booey to put it politely," the Bernie voter told her.

"You do know that was Bernie's position in 2016," Warren quickly responded. 

"That was Bernie's position in 2016, that it should not got to the person who had a plurality," she continued. "So, and remember, his last play was to superdelegates. So, the way I see this is you write the rules before you know where everybody stands, and then you stick with those rules."

"So, for me, Bernie had a big hand in writing those rules," Warren concluded. "I didn't write them. He did."

If the DNC denies the nomination to the candidate with a delegate plurality the contest goes to a contested convention.

The Democratic National Convention is July 13 through July 16 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Sanders is currently in the lead, having won both the Iowa and Nevada Caucuses, and the New Hampshire primary. Warren pledged to stay in the race until the convention, even if she's pacing behind in delegates.