
CNN Shocked to Find Out About Bernie Sanders' Creepy, Pedophelia Laced Fetish Writing

As the race for the Democrat nomination for president continues to heat up, former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg and his team have their sights set on the new front runner: Bernie Sanders. 

The rivalry between the two started immediately when Bloomberg, a billionaire Sanders regularly condemns, entered the race for the White House in November. But as Sanders continues to rack up the delegates, Team Bloomberg is going all in on his background and dumping a whole bunch of unpleasant research all over the airwaves. 

During an interview with CNN Tuesday morning, Bloomberg Senior Advisor Timothy O'Brien held nothing back when he exposed Sanders' background. His history includes writing about female rape fantasies, children running around naked, children touching each other in private places and more. 

The anchor is obviously shocked, but she shouldn't be. Sanders' record on this stuff has been out there for years. It's been exposed by digital media outlets and conveniently ignored by the "mainstream" press. 

MotherJones did a lengthy feature on Sanders' essays. Here's a sample

Treating children with kid gloves, he believed, was turning them into sexually repressed worker drones. In a 1969 essay in the Freeman, he wrote, “In Vermont, at a state beach, a mother is reprimanded by Authority for allowing her 6 month old daughter to go about without her diapers on. Now, if children go around naked, they are liable to see each others sexual organs, and maybe even touch them. Terrible thing! If we [raise] children up like this it will probably ruin the whole pornography business, not to mention the large segment of the general economy which makes its money by playing on peoples sexual frustrations.”

Over to my HotAir colleague Ed Morrissey: 

In regard to Sanders’ intense focus on sex and children, this was a big part of the Left at the time. It didn’t catch on much in America, thank the Lord, but it did in France and Germany in their “1968 Movement.” France in particular is only now beginning to address the damage done.