
Never Trumpers Are Having a Meltdown as Bernie Sanders Widens His Lead

Prominent Never Trump "Republicans" are starting to wake up and realize the past four years of forsaking the GOP and denouncing President Trump means nothing to Democrats at the end of the day. This was made abundantly clear after Sen. Bernie Sanders (VT) won the Nevada Caucus on Saturday, giving him a lot of momentum heading into the upcoming South Carolina primary.

With the Democratic base moving further and further to the left, it should be no surprise that Sanders, who never met a communist regime he did not like, is currently the frontrunner. But to people like Ana Navarro, Bill Kristol, and Tom Nichols, they are shocked to find out that despite being unending in their criticisms against Trump, whether warranted or not, Democratic voters are not listening to them when it comes to their preferred choice for president.

With Sanders in the lead, they have taken to their followings on Twitter to implore Democrats to not make them vote for the democratic socialist. 

Predictably, liberals and progressives are telling the Never Trumpers to pipe down and let them pick their preferred candidate. Even Media Matters has called out the cadre for thinking they would have been able to have a meaningful say in the nomination process.

And that is their biggest weakness. Their only value to cable news shows was that they were "Republicans" who were willing to criticize Trump and his supporters, even if it was done in an unhinged way. But liberals and progressives still view the likes of Nichols and Kristol as Republicans, despite them not actually being part of the GOP as they have either said they will vote for Democrats or they consider themselves to be Democrats now.

So it is only now that Never Trumpers are realizing they were being used for a specific purpose and nothing else.

Enjoy your new party!