
Biden Says Bernie Should be Held Accountable for the Actions of His Supporters

Democratic candidate Joe Biden is praying for a rebound after disastrous finishes in Iowa and New Hampshire, but it doesn't seem likely. New polling shows the former vice president losing ground in upcoming primary states as more and more people realize the candidate doesn't have what it takes to challenge President Trump in the general election. While Biden has been slipping in the polls, Bernie Sanders has become the front-runner in a still crowded Democratic field. 

In an upcoming interview with NBC's "Meet the Press," Biden takes aim at the new frontrunner, saying the Democratic Socialist needs to be held accountable for the actions of his supporters. Biden's remarks are in reference to an ongoing feud between Sanders and The Culinary Union, a Nevada labor group, which has criticized Sanders' "Medicare for All" proposal. 

(Via Reuters

“He may not be responsible for it but he has some accountability,” Biden said in the interview that will air on Sunday morning. “If any of my supporters did that, I’d disown them. Flat disown them. The stuff that was said online, the way they threatened these two women who are leaders in that Culinary Union. It is outrageous.”


The Culinary Workers Union said supporters of Sanders “viciously” attacked the organization via Twitter, text, voicemail and direct messaging after the union criticized the senator’s universal healthcare plan on Tuesday.

Sanders, in turn, called for an end to all online harassment, but stopped short of acknowledging that the attacks were coming from his supporters.

Instead, Sanders suggested in an interview on “PBS NewsHour” on Thursday that the attacks might be coming from people posing as his supporters.

“And I’m not so sure, to be honest with you, that they are necessarily part of our movement,” Sanders said.

It wouldn't be the first time Sanders has had to disavow the actions of his supporters. In a senate speech in 2017, Sanders disavowed James Hodgkinson, a Bernie campaign volunteer who shot up a congressional baseball practice, critically injuring Republican Congressman Steve Scalise.

Just in January, a Sanders campaign field organizer, Kyle Jurek, was caught in a Project Veritas video warning that the city of Milwaukee will burn if Sanders loses the Democratic presidential nomination. Jurek went on say that he couldn't wait to drag billionaires, pundits, and people in MSNBC studios "out by their hair and light them on fire in the streets."

Maybe that's why MSNBC's Chris Matthews was warning viewers about the dangers of socialism after the Democratic presidential debate in New Hampshire.