
Andrew Yang: 'Donald Trump is Not the Cause of All of Our Problems'

Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang participated in the eighth Democratic presidential debate in New Hampshire on Friday evening. The entrepreneur has managed to stay in the race even as seasoned politicians have failed to qualify for previous debates and several of the candidates have since ended their campaigns. On Friday, Yang had a message for the six Democratic opponents sharing the debate stage with him at St. Anselm's College in Goffstown, New Hampshire. 

"Donald Trump," Yang bravely declared, "is not the cause of all of our problems, and we are making a mistake when we act like he is." 

The audience erupted in applause. 

To be sure, Yang then went on to call the president a "symptom of a disease" that Yang claims has been "building up in our communities for years and decades." But this was a Democratic debate after all. 

Yang lamented the outsourcing of manufacturing jobs and the deleterious effects that outsourcing has had on American communities. 

"These are the changes that Americans are seeing and feeling around us everyday, and if we get to the hard work of curing those problems we will not just defeat Donald Trump in the fall we will actually be able to move our communities forward," Yang concluded. 

Trump added 479,000 manufacturing jobs to the economy in his first 34 months of office and recently signed the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement into law that will further boost manufacturing jobs in the United States. 

At this point, Trump seems to be more of a cure than a symptom.