
President Trump Honors Ellie Schneider, Girl Born at 21 Weeks in SOTU Address

President Trump delivered his third official State of the Union address from the House chamber Tuesday evening, and touted his stellar record on the issues across the board. Trump also packed the chamber with worthy guests, including Ellie Schneider and her mom Robin Schneider. 

Ellie, 2, was born at just 21 weeks gestation. President Trump honored Ellie, the bravery of her parents and the talent of her doctors. He also hailed Ellie as a shining reminder that every human life has intrinsic value.

“Every child is a miracle of life,” President Trump said.

President Trump then pivoted to the radical abortion stance embraced by mainstream Democrats, much to the dismay of Speaker Pelosi. He even called for a ban on late-term abortion, which is certainly common sense legislation. 

President Trump was brilliant to tout his pro-life commitment at this State of the Union address ahead of the November general election. It is certain that President Trump has been the most pro-life president Americans have seen since former President Ronald Reagan.