
Homeland Security Offered to Help Iowa Dems With Caucus Prep...They Refused

By now you know there are no results from last night's Democrat presidential caucus in Iowa after the new reporting system, built by Clinton staffers, crashed and burned. 

According to the Department of Homeland Security, help was offered to the DNC and the Iowa Democrat party ahead of the caucuses to make sure the new technology was implemented smoothly. They refused testing in order to make sure voting and results were secure. 

"Our cyber security and infrastructure security agency has offered to test that app from a hacking perspective. They declined, so we're seeing a couple of issues with it. I would say right now we don't see any malicious cyber activity going on, no one hacked into it, so this is more of a stress or a load issue, as well as a reporting issue in Iowa," DHS Acting Secretary Chad Wolf told Fox News. "What I would say is given the amount of scrutiny that we have on election security these days, this is a concerning event." 

According to the Wall Street Journal, this application has major security flaws.  

Further, the app wasn't simply built for Iowa. Democrats plan to use it in upcoming primaries.

Keep in mind these are the same Democrats who have been screaming about election integrity and the importance of "protecting democracy" for three years. 

In the meantime, every Democrat candidate in Iowa gets a trophy.