
CPAC Snubs Mitt Romney

The Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) officially snubbed Utah Sen. Mitt Romney after he voted in favor of hearing from witnesses in President Donald Trump's impeachment trial. Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) broke with Republicans and also supported hearing from witnesses.

According to Matt Schlapp, the Chairman of the American Conservative Union, the hosts of CPAC, Romney is "formally NOT invited" to the 2020 conference.

Sen. Mike Lee, Utah's other senator, a frequent CPAC speaker, went to bat for his colleague. 

Schlapp's announcement brought about mixed feelings and reactions.

Former Republican National Committee Chairman (RNC) Michael Steele thought the announcement was "juvenile.'

The Washington Examiner's Executive Editor, Philip Klein, believed CPAC was flipflopping. 

Others thought Romney brought this on himself by failing to be a conservative.

One America News Network's Jack Posobiec believes this is a bad call, but for different reasons:

Romney previously spoke at the largest gathering of conservatives in the nation, which attracts roughly 10,000 attendees from across the nation, on multiple occasions. He spoke at the conference in 2012 after securing the Republican nomination and again in 2013 after being defeated by then-President Barack Obama.