
NRSC Releases Video Highlighting Dems' Three Year Impeachment Effort

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), the GOP’s senate arm defending Leader Mitch McConnell’s majority, threw cold water on the Democrats’ sham of an impeachment effort in a new video released this morning:

The NRSC released the video after Politico reported that the committee raised a whopping $70 million in 2019. This major fundraising haul put the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) on notice ahead of the 2020 battle for control of the upper chamber. 

The video calls out the Democrats’ botched, partisan impeachment effort line-by-line. Most notably, the NRSC exposes what has been a perpetual effort to impeach President Trump since before he was even sworn into office.

“This impeachment sham started the day he was elected,” the narrator says. 

Indeed, Democrats have had their sights set on impeaching President Trump since the beginning. In 2017, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) called for the impeachment of President Trump, per The Washington Post:

“Why would we let somebody like Trump, a con man, come in here and turn it all upside down with his lies and his disrespect? And so, I personally feel very strongly about this and I’m going to keep working until he’s impeached,” she told The Post.

Democrats also love to claim that impeachment is “solemn” and “dignified," but far-left favorite and “Squad” member Rep. Rashida Tlaib famously lamented an expletive-ridden soliloquy on impeaching the president at a campaign rally:

Rep. Al Green (D-TX) is notorious for calling for President Trump’s impeachment with baseless claims. Most notably, Rep. Green called for the president’s impeachment out of fear that Trump would win a second term:

"I'm concerned that if we don't impeach this president, he will get reelected,” Rep. Green said

Democrats push the narrative that impeachment is solemn and purely based on misconduct in foreign affairs by President Trump, but Democrats have debunked their own narrative. The opposition party, led by the hyper-partisan, occasionally violent, resistance movement, has sought to impeach President Trump since day one on the basis of ideological differences. Three years later, with the GOP sitting on a huge war-chest of fundraising and resources, Democrats continue to try and impeach the president because they realize that their own policy proposals and messaging strategies do not resonate with American voters.