
Klobuchar Torches Warren on Feasibility of Medicare for All

Health care took up a substantial chunk of Tuesday night's Democratic debate in Des Moines, Iowa. The stage is divided on the issue, with Sens. Bernie Sanders (D-VT) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) advocating fiercely for Medicare for All, while former Vice President Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg and Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) support more modest proposals with lower price tags. 

Medicare for All sounds very nice when floated by politicians, which the slight popularity of the government overhaul legislation can be attributed to. Polling shows that when confronted with the vast cost and tax increases that inevitably come with Medicare for All, those favorability numbers dwindle. The average American voter does not want to abolish private insurance, which is also a prerequisite for Medicare for All. 

Sen. Klobuchar knows this to be true, and managed to nail Sen. Elizabeth Warren on the inconvenient economic and political realities of Medicare for All:

Although still costly and destructive to the economy, the health care plans pushed by Sen. Klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg and former Vice President Joe Biden are more favorable with the American people.

Watch Sen. Klobuchar give Sen. Warren a reality check on the non-existent practicality of Medicare for All here: